Set deep within the quiet woods of Ulster county, the Accord Aerie emerges from the forest like a modern sculpture, its industrial lines and bold materials standing in striking contrast to the natural surroundings. Designed to harmonize with the land, this striking retreat balances raw, industrial materials with the warmth of natural textures, creating a sylvan sanctuary that is as bold as it is serene. Constructed with a respect for both form and function, the house draws inspiration from industrial and brutalist architecture, where concrete, steel, and glass come together in perfect harmony. A three-story floating staircase of concrete and steel anchors the interior, rising like a sculptural centerpiece and connecting the home's levels in a way that feels both functional and artful, anchoring the open spaces with its unapologetically modern aesthetic. A 16-foot wall of glass serves as both a frame and a portal, capturing the changing light and offering an ever-evolving view of the woods beyond. Light streams across maple floors throughout, softening the sharp edges of steel beams and concrete. Every corner of the home feels intentional—a balance of raw materials and refined living. The wood stove in the living room lends a cozy contrast to the architectural drama, grounding the space in comfort. The kitchen, a seamless blend of style and function, is an understated masterpiece. The clean, modern finishes reflect the home's architectural focus, while thoughtful details ensure functionality. Whether you're savoring a quiet breakfast or entertaining friends, the kitchen connects effortlessly to the flow of the home. Upstairs, the bedrooms carry forward this sense of light and air. The primary suite with spa-like bathroom is equally intentional, with carefully positioned skylights and a deep soaking tub that make even the simplest rituals feel indulgent. On the lower level, versatility reigns. The space is primed for creativity, whether an artist's studio, a home office, or private guest quarters. Currently used as a third bedroom, with its own bathroom and separate entrance, it adds a layer of flexibility that adapts to your needs and vision. Glass doors lead out to the patio where you can enjoy the mountain views from your steaming hot tub or just wander your private sanctuary on 4.3 inviting, wooded acres. Beyond the Aerie, the Hudson Valley unfolds in all its richness. Spend your mornings exploring nearby Stone Ridge and High Falls, home to antique shops, artisan boutiques, and farm markets that reflect the area's charm. Enjoy lunch at Westwind Orchard with wood-fired pizza and cider, or head to Arrowood Farms, where you can relax with a cold beer and live music as the sun sets over the fields. For outdoor adventures, the trails of Mohonk Preserve and Minnewaska State Park await. Refined evenings can be spent dining at Inness, where farm-to-table cuisine is paired with sweeping vistas, or exploring Kingston's Stockade District, alive with restaurants, boutiques, and cultural events. Less than two hours from NYC, the Aerie offers a way of living that is both grounded and elevated. With its seamless integration of architecture and landscape, the Accord Aerie is a conversation between design and the natural world, a glass treehouse floating in the serene forest of the Hudson Valley.
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